📣好消息📣全港唯一公租借旅行WIF|免費上門速遞取 機及還機 (出發前提早一至兩日送到府上 。 回程後不用太趕, 只要在一至兩日內自行通知順豐速遞上門收機或自行到附近順豐站便可 , 服務是免費的 。)無需煩惱 (長租優惠 , 中國、香港、歐洲$38/日除外及4G需租用4日以上,而5G需租用8日以上) 請參考有條款及細節

WiFi Station


Terms and Condition


溫馨提示:請在您提交訂單前仔細閱讀以下條款及細則, 並確定你已同意租約條款內的一切細節


以下租約條款適用於租借用戶(以下簡稱“用戶”)和提供租借服務的www.wifistation.com.hk 網站(以下簡稱“網站”)。此租約條款為用戶和WIFI STATION(“本公司”)之間的合同,並涵蓋所有本網站所提供的租借服務。
在你點擊 “立即租用提交” 按鈕前,請仔細閱讀以下條款。再透過點擊 “我已閱讀並同意租約條款” 方格來確定你已同意租約條款內的一切細節。如果您不同意本租約條款的內容,請不要點擊此方格或繼續預訂。本公司有權在任何時候修改本租約條款,而任何修改將適用於該修訂生效之日期後的任何租借服務。





B. 申請人依照本公司規定之手續完成申請,經本公司或本公司指定代理人同意該申請及支付全數應付金額確認訂單後,合約始成立。
C. 如合約內有收取按金或要求提出信用卡擔保之情況。原繳按金於所有通信設備歸還及租金相抵計算後退還給申請人。
D. 本公司如因庫存量不足或其他事項而無法依照合約内容提供服務,本公司應將所有已收取之租金及按金全數歸還給申請人,但不會作出額外賠償。


A. 用戶必須在申請表上填寫的交收方法。如本公司不能依照要求交收,必須聯絡申請人再作安排,一切額外交收費用將由本公司承擔。
B. 如果用戶沒有提供指定的交付方法,又未能聯絡者,本公司將設定取貨地點為本公司指定的辦公地址 (荃灣順豐中心12樓F室)
C. 在用戶返回香港後,用戶應依照申請書上填寫的方法及限期內將無缐上網裝置歸還本公司。


A. 租借費用是從出發日起計算到回程日結束。租借使用期原則上以30日為上限。如申請人需要租借逾30日,須另行洽談商定。
B. 如果租借期間(即旅遊期間),公司網絡設備遇到任何問題或因任何原因而無法使用,用戶應立即撥打服務熱線或以電郵通知本公司。如果用戶未能在旅遊期間通知本公司,本公司有權不作任何費用調整。



出發日期前一天 客戶將被收取100%的租借費用;按金將全額退
客戶將被收取 50%的租借費用;按金將全額退

A. 無線互聯網數據服務,可按照本公司提供的國家或地區內使用互聯網數據服務。
B. 使用無線互聯網數據服務並無法、也不容許進行線上遊戲,媒體串流直播,電影下載和語音電話(除通過WiFi網絡的VoIP語音通話除外)。如果用戶使用由本公司提供的上網裝置,使用語音通話而產生任何費用,用戶須承擔所有費用,責任及100%行政罰款賠償給本公司。
C. 受到不同國家電訊服務商之公平使用條例限制,當達到公平使用時,連接速度會由當地運營商節流(即減慢)。在這情況下所產生的連接問題,本公司概不退還任何租金費用。過度使用的例子,包括長時間觀看線上視頻,多個用戶長時間連接及下載大量文件。




A. 智能手機和其他通信設備在外國使用數據服務,可能導致會被收取漫遊網絡費用。所以在使用本公司的無線上網裝之前,請務必關閉(停止)您所使用的手機漫遊服務(數據漫遊),並開啟手機的Wi-Fi功能來連接互聯網。無論申請人(使用者)係出於善意或惡意,萬一未關閉漫遊功能以致貴用戶之設備直接連結3G網路,貴用戶所使用之電信公司將收取海外漫遊費用。於此際,本公司概不負責,尚請注意。
B. 上網設備於使用上有障礙之情形,申請人若於使用期間內未與本公司洽詢者,本公司概不負責,申請人仍應支付使用費。
C. 如用戶提出錯誤的申請而未能在適當的國家使用流動上網裝置,本公司將概不負任何責任,用戶仍須支付的租借費。
D. 如果用戶遭到意外事故或由於上網裝置的使用造成的損傷,或其他任何原因,本公司將概不會對用戶負任何責任。
E. 如使用本公司的裝置,但是由於智能手機出現錯誤而未能連接互聯網,本公司概不負責。
F. 如果用戶使用不當,不小心使用或錯位導致短路或火災,造成任何傷亡和損失,本公司將概不負任何責任和費用。


A. 用戶應遵照本公司指定之使用方法,以善良管理人之心及責任,使用、管理本公司之上網設備。
B. 用戶遇有上網裝置遺失、損毀或遭偷竊之情事時,應立即通知本公司。此外,遇有通信設備遺失、毀損或遭偷竊之情事,於向本公司通報之前,遭人非法使用之上網及通信費用均應由用戶支付。

設備及配件賠償金額 (港元)

流動上網裝置 Pocket Wifi Device $500/ 4G或4.5G Router $1500/ 5G Router $2500
補卡費 Card Replacement Fee $300
外置充電器 Power Bank / Lan 線 Lan Line $200
充電器 Adaptor $300
電源線 USB Lead $60
保護袋 Bag/ 保護袋  Router $60/$100

每延誤一天是按正價日租 + $40 行政費支付延期費用。

A. 用戶不得安裝其他機械或配件在流動上網裝置上,並不得分解,破壞,更改本公司裝置的設定,這將導致裝置故障或出現其他變化。
B. 用戶不得從事上網裝置轉租,轉讓和抵押給第三者而導致本公司出現損害。
C. 用戶不得使用本公司的流動上網裝置進行任何違規或非法活動。


” WIFI STATION” 的基本上網使用是無限的,但各地的網絡營辦商一般都實施《公平使用政策》,確保每名客戶能在公平和合理的環境下享用有關服務,並保障網絡的穩定性和安全性。 《公平使用政策》針對用戶持續大量上載或下載數據,影響其他用戶使用網絡資源的公平機會。

為符合當地網絡營辦商的《公平使用政策》, 每個 ” WIFI STATION ” 目的地都有既定的「4G/3G高速數據使用量」。「4G/3G高速數據使用量」為高速4G/3G服務,就算你使用量超出這個上限, 仍可以比較低速的傳送上網。

*WIFI STATION 無限數據不限速套餐會依照海外覆蓋國家當地營運商網絡為基礎,根據當地流量公平使用原則FUP, 當流量使用在一定時間內過大時, 當地營運商有可能採用限制使用或限速措施.

每個位置接收不同需要視乎 *客戶* 實際上網體驗會下列因素影響而有所不同:網絡設定及規格、網絡覆蓋範圍、使用者的設備及軟件、傳輸投術、發射站遠近及其他相關因素。

首頁關於www.wifistation.com.hk 聯繫方式預訂旅行信息和優惠條款和條件
版權所有 © WIFI STATION 保留所有權理,不得轉載

Terms and Condition

The following are the Terms and Conditions for purchases of products and services from WIFI STATION Company Limited. In order to place an order with our company, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions below. It is your responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions completely and thoroughly, so please do not hesitate to contact WIFI STATION Company Limited, if you have any questions. WIFI STATION Company Limited and you (the “Customer”) hereby agree to the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) with respect to the product and service offering by WIFI STATION Company Limited to the Customer of the wireless communication device and peripheral equipment (the “Equipment”), including, but not limited to, wireless devices, SIM cards, data cards, mobile hotspots, user guides, chargers, adapters, and related or additional services (the “Services”) which are described herein or included in any agreement between Customer and Wifi STATION Company Limited (“the company”) for products and/or services (“Agreement”).

  1. Personal Data Protection guidelines
    In view of the purpose of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Company will comply with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance, proper handling and management of personal data of the user, on its Internet equipment service sales, promotion, registration, collection and management, and may not be used for purposes other than the above purpose.
  2. Eligibility to rent equipment
    While our Equipment may be used by travelers of any age, we can only rent to adults who are at least 18 years of age, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in this Rental Agreement, and to abide by and comply with the terms set forth herein.
  3. Applications and Contract Establishment
    1. Once the User (or an agent designated by the Company) completes the company application form, it directly applies to the Company (Internet applicants, online application data is sent directly to the Company). Rental of Internet access equipment, lines and service provider designated by the Company (pre-set), specified in the equipment lent, can not be changed.
    2. Once the User completes the application in accordance with the formalities required by the Company and through the acceptance of the Company (or an agent designated by the company) agreed to the application. The contract would then be established once the payment as requested after order confirmation is paid in full.
    3. If the contract is to receive deposits or require credit card guarantee. Then the deposits will be returned upon our receipt of the rented Equipment following your designated Return Date, deducting any service or damage charges or late fees, which are applied to the balance.
    4. If the Company as a result of the lack of inventory or other matters in accordance with the terms of the contract fails to provide services, the Company shall refund the received rent and full deposit returned to the User, but it will not make any additional compensation.
    5. The User has to specify the countries clearly for the products of Europe/Worldwide/Africa/South America when placing order. Any missing of the specification may cause the network unavailable for those countries, and we will not accept for any refund request.
  4. Goods collection or return
    1. The User must fill in the delivery method on the application form. If the company cannot deliver the goods with the delivery method as requested, then the company must contact the user for further arrangements, extra fees resulting from the change in delivery method by the Company will be borne by the Company.
    2. If the User does not specify in the application delivery methods, and cannot be contacted, the Company assumes that the pick-up location to be the designated office address of the Company
    3. On the users return to Hong Kong, the user shall, in accordance with the methods and within the time limit on the application form return the Company internet device to the Company at the Companies designated office. If the User failed to return the communications equipment at the proposed date as originally specified in the contract then the User would be liable and charged for fees equivalent to a full day of rent also the admin charge for each day of delay.
  5. Rental period
    1. The rental fee is calculated from the date of departure to the date of return. In principle the maximum rental period is 30 days. Should the User wishes to rent for more than 30 days then negotiation with the Company should be agreed.
    2. If during the rental period (ie travel period), the Company internet equipment experiences problems or can not be used for any reasons, the User should immediately call the service hotline or email the Company of the details of problems. If the User fails to notify the Company of any problems during the travel period then the Company reserves the right not to make any cost adjustments held responsible for.
  6. Cancellation Policy
    If the User wishes to cancel the reservation then the User must notify the Company immediately and in addition should pay the following surrender tenancy fee. If is cancelled within seven days prior to the Designated Departure Date, the customer will be charged 50% of the rental fee and will be refunded the full deposit. If reservation is cancelled eight days or more before the Designated Departure Date, the customer will be charged 30% of the rental fee and will be refunded the full deposit. If is cancelled on the pick up date/ departure date/ after we delivered the device to your designated address, the customer will be charged 100% of the rental fee and will be refunded the full deposit.
  7. Internet Data Service Restrictions
    1. WIFI internet data service may, in accordance with the company to provide internet data services within the country or region.
    2. Use of Wireless Internet data services can not, do not allow the conduct of online game, live streaming and voice calls (except VoIP voice calls over WiFi network). If the User uses communications equipment provided by the Company to make Voice Call and incur any fees, the user is required to bear all call costs, responsibility and 100% of administrative fines compensation to the Company.
    3. The basic Internet use of “WIFI STATION” is unlimited, but network operators around the world generally implement the “Fair Use Policy” to ensure that each customer can enjoy relevant services in a fair and reasonable environment, and to ensure network stability and safety. The “Fair Use Policy” is aimed at users who continue to upload or download large amounts of data, which affects other users’ fair opportunities to use network resources.

      In order to comply with the “Fair Usage Policy” of the local network operator, each “WIFI STATION” destination has a predetermined “4G/3G high-speed data usage”. “4G/3G high-speed data usage” refers to high-speed 4G/3G services. Even if your usage exceeds this upper limit, you can still transfer to the Internet at a relatively low speed.

      *WIFI STATION unlimited data and unlimited speed package will be based on the network of local operators in overseas coverage countries, and according to the principle of fair use of local traffic FUP, when the traffic usage is too large for a certain period of time, the local operator may adopt a limited usage or speed limit measure.

      Each location has different reception needs depending on *customer* The actual network experience will vary due to the following factors: network settings and specifications, network coverage, user equipment and software, transmission technology, distance from the transmitting station and other related factors .

    4. IMPORTANT : Please do NOT switch on the device outside the countries that you have chosen in your order, telecommunication provider may temporarily stop and restrict the usage of the network, Wifi Egg are not responsible in this case and shall not refund any rental fee in this circumstances.
    5. To ensure that all users of the network stability and security, each telecommunication provider have fair usage policy to monitor data usage. When a user using excessive traffic or reach a fair amount of use in a short time, preventing other users from normal use, telecommunications supplier may terminate, suspend or change the quality of service, Wifi Egg is unable to intervene. If your network busy (ie. concurrent use of network resources), your data may be subject to intermittent flow impact, and return to normal after the network soothed.
    6. Tenants agree the fair usage policy in a fair manner using wireless internet access. Fi the tenant or a third party using the service exceeds the amount of fair usage set by the service provider, wifi station regard tenant unfairly using the service, and will not be for any connectivity problems that have emerged.
    7. $0 deposit- When the guest pays by credit card, the deposit for the rental equipment is authorized (as the deposit for the rental equipment). In addition, if the lease is renewed or the customer is late, the fee will be directly charged to the credit card after the customer is notified.
  8. Ownership of equipment
    By using this service, you agree and acknowledge you are renting Equipment for travel purposes only, and that you will acquire no rights in the Equipment. You agree that the company will retain all ownership of the Equipment, including but not limited to user guides and accessories.
  9. Disclaimer
    1. Smartphone and other communications equipment often access internet using data service which could incur roaming charges with your network. Before using the company wireless device, be sure to turn off (stop) your use of the mobile phone roaming (Data Roaming) and use the phone WI-FI capabilities to connect the Internet equipment for data communication. Whether the User well-intentioned or malicious, where roaming capabilities is not turn off so that your equipment is directly connected to the 3G network, your use of the internet data will be charged roaming charges overseas. Please note that in this circumstance, the Company takes no responsibility for the fees incurred.
    2. In case of Internet equipment failure, and the User fails to notify the company during the service period, then the Company will takes no responsibility and the user would still be obliged to pay the rental fee.
    3. If the user makes a wrong application resulting in obtaining a device which isn’t suited for the country of travel then the Company will takes no responsibility and the user would still be obliged to pay the rental fee.
    4. If the user suffer an accident or damage due to the use of communication equipment then whatever the reason, the Company shall not be responsible to the User.
    5. The Company will not be responsible for the failure to access the internet using the company device, as a result of the users smartphone error and/or settings which failed to provide Internet services.
    6. The company takes no responsibility if the user through inappropriate, careless use or misplaced the Internet devices leading to short-circuit or fire, which causes any casualties and losses to the user as a result, the Company advises the user to pay attention and use the device with care.
  10. Company Equipment Management, Loss, Damages and Theft
    1. User shall comply with the appropriate usage of equipments as suggested by the Company, take responsibility and treat the rented equipment as if it’s their own and in their best effort to take care and return the Companies equipment in a state which shouldn’t be worse than prior to the Users rental.
    2. In case of internet equipment being lost, damaged or in circumstances of theft, the user should immediately notify the Company, and shall responsible for the used and remain rental fee together with compensation listed below. In addition, in the event of any of the above, illegal use of the internet and communication cost, the User would be liable to paid for any damages incurred to the Company. The company shall not responsible for any internet fee or any kind of communication fee occured by the user in case of internet equipment being lost of network failure.
    3. In case of equipment loss, damage or theft, the User shall be liable to pay compensation to the company based on the following:
    流動上網裝置 Pocket Wifi Device $500/ 4G或4.5G Router $1500/ 5G Router $2500
    補卡費 Card Replacement Fee $300
    外置充電器 Power Bank / Lan 線 Lan Line $200
    電源線 USB Lead $60
    變壓器 Adaptor $300
    保護袋 Bag $60
    Late Return Fee Daily rental fee + $40/ day
    The above fines are subject to change at any time without prior notice given to the user.
    The company has the rights to deduct the compensation from the deposit in cases but not limited to cases of equipment loss, damage, theft and late return. And there is no refund for any of above cases.
    For any late return cases, penalty charges starts to be counted as original daily rental fee for the corresponding country plus $20 administrative charge per day from the next day of device return date, and the penalty charges is daily cumulative.
    If the late return is over 5 days, the data service will be suspended without any further notice and the deposit will be confiscated with no any refund.
    Wifi Egg are not responsible to arrange courier to pick up the late return equipment, client should return the devices and those accessories to either arrange courier themselves or coming to our branch directly. Late return of any accessories including power bank, USB lead, adapter, case and card, are also subjected to the above late return penalty, all remaining amount will not be refunded over 5 days of late return.
  11. Indemnification
    By agreeing to this Rental Agreement, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Company, our officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, representatives, agents, and other customers against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, or expense, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, in any way connected with (a) a breach of the terms and conditions of this Rental Agreement; and (b) any dispute between you and any third party service, which you engaged through our user guide.
  12. Miscellaneous
    We reserve the right to discontinue our rental services or terminate and/or amend this Rental Agreement at any time at our sole discretion. Expiration or termination of this Rental Agreement will not relieve you of any payment obligations hereunder.
  13. Force Majeure
    In the event we fail to perform any obligation pursuant to this Agreement due to an “act of God,” or an act of any government, terrorism, riot, war, accident, or any deficiency in materials or transportation or any other cause of any nature beyond our control, such failure shall not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement, provided that we notify you of the existence and nature of the reason for our nonperformance and delay, and we resume performance immediately upon the conclusion of the relevant force majeure.
  14. Prohibitions
    1. The User shall not be installed in the Internet devices other mechanical or accessories, and shall not engage in transformation, decomposition, damage, change the setting, or other changes to the Company equipment which would result in the malfunctioning of the equipment.
    2. The User shall not engage in communications equipment sublease, transfer and pledge in the third person which results in the damage against the Companies ownership.
    3. The User shall not use the company’s Internet device for any irregularities or illegal acts.

These Terms and Conditions may be amended or modified by WIFI STATION in its discretion at any time by notifying the Customer of such changes either by a note on the website presented immediately after completion of the log in by the Customer, or by email to the Customer, or by any other reasonable means.
